The Bridge Network, South Sudan
Researching for a better South Sudan.
Headquartered in Juba with researchers based in seven of South Sudan’s ten states, the Bridge Network represents a creative collaboration of South Sudanese researchers eager to create a nuanced evidence base for future humanitarian and development policy and programming in South Sudan. The Bridge Network specializes in qualitative research and locally-informed, bottom-up knowledge and recommendations.
We have a broad range of experience working with global academic institutions, the United Nations and humanitarian actors..

Communities respond to the resolutions during the recent Tonj North peace agreement

Research under CRP in Education and civicness in some schools in Nimule Town.

During the recent peace conference

The above photo show Onyango Galdine (left side) advocating to a group of women about their rights in Nimule.

A traditional customary court session showing the role of traditional chiefs in handling community conflicts in Nimule.

During the recent peace conference

Wol Athuai presenting

During the recent peace confrence

Research under CRP in Education and civicness in some schools in Nimule Town.

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