Our Areas of Practice

 Researching Complexity to inform Change in South Sudan


We can sit in offices and think up great solutions. However, positive change depends on how these ideas and practices interact with existing social struggles and everyday realities. At the same time, during conflict and humanitarian emergencies, these everyday realities are filled with complexity. Our research focuses on the reality of the everyday to ensure that solutions are realistic and innovative, and we use a mixture of methods, including qualitative and ethnographic methods, to take account of the complex South Sudanese context.

Monitoring and Evaluation in South Sudan


We will achieve the most by learning from what we have already tried. We specialise in qualitative monitoring and evaluation methods, including employing creative ideas to monitor changes in conflict, peace, security and safety.

Capacity Building


We are a team of South Sudanese researchers and we continue to learn. We are also eager to help other South Sudanese learn and for South Sudanese to take a role in thought leadership in the humanitarian and development worlds of South Sudan.