Bul Kunjok.

‘what is important is to find the safety and security level of the people’

Working in Jonglei, Bul Kunjok is a researcher for the Bridge Network. In the past, he has handled the research within Bor on behalf of the Bridge Network for the ‘Measuring Safety and Security’ project with the World Food Program, as lead researcher in Bor. This has involved interviews with households, and understanding their safety and security levels. ‘Security is dynamic; sometimes you may experience security incidences, the next month you may not and there are sometimes challenges about how we respond to the security incidences’ Bul explained.


Bul also elaborated on the importance of conducting this research in South Sudan. He stated ‘The level of insecurity in South Sudan is high, and our people are facing safety and security incidences. So, what is important is to find the safety and security level of the people, for the purpose of intervention from the government, national, and international NGOs to address these needs.’


In his free time, Bul studies and practices law. He enjoys reading books on the topic, both from South Sudan and other countries.